STUCK is Carissa's newest book and focuses on the lessons she has learnt from her 15 years as a business owner.   Using her own journey and the many times she got stuck, stories from other entrepreneurs and the basics of behaviour change science, this book will normalize all of the times you feel stuck and teach you the practical tools you need to get UNSTUCK.

Book Cover Top View Mockup by Anthony Boyd Graphics
Book Cover Top View Mockup by Anthony Boyd Graphics

Inspiring Entrepreneurs


In this second edition of Carissa's first book you will learn about the origin of the Silver Lining Action Plan and gain incredible insights from the 400 interviews that Carissa did with Inspiring Entrepreneurs who ultimately inspired her to become an entrepreneur.   

Learn why so many small businesses fail and go through a step by step process to learn how to apply SLAP to your own business so that you don't make the common mistakes that affect so many business owners.



Being a business owner is a constant juggling act.  No matter what you do you never seem to get everything off of your to do list.  Like every other business owner on the planet, Carissa has found it difficult to get everything done.   In an attempt to get better at getting things done she created the I Will System and has written this book to share it with all of you.

Learn how to create a time budget so that you know what to actually say yes to (hint - you should be saying no 90% of the time!).   Get into the practice of making a note every single time you say "I Will".   And then get into a routine to do your I Will's - and when you can't learn how to delegate, apologize or prioritize!

Book Cover Top View Mockup by Anthony Boyd Graphics
Book Cover Top View Mockup by Anthony Boyd Graphics

Thank You Small Business


Have you ever thought about how important small business is in your life?  The cafe you grab your morning coffee, your childcare, hairdresser and accountant are all small business owners.   There would be no jobs, no vibrant communities and no economy without small businesses and the owners who tirelessly build them.   

And yet, it is a thankless job.  Families wish business owners worked less.  Employees want to be paid more.  Communities need sponsorship and contributions.  Economies rely on small business while simultaneously driving taxes up, making it harder to work with broad supply chains and drowning small businesses in red tape and bureaucracy.   

This book is an ode to small business.  It presents the facts on why small business is so critical and how we can do a better job at helping them thrive. 

When a small business wins - we all win.

Business As A Tool For Justice

We have been operating with a business and charity model that is not working.  Businesses are supposed to make as much money as is possible (oftentimes even more than seems rational or reasonable) and then when the business owner / shareholders are really successful they will give some away to charity.  When they make their donations they are praised and their egos are stroked.  In the meantime government workers, non profit leaders and activists are not paid well and spend their careers trying to solve for the significant amounts of economic, environmental and social injustice that we are facing - often largely caused by businesses.      So businesses make money at all costs (economic, social, environmental) and then get praised for writing big philanthropy checks to the very people trying to solve the problems they are creating or contributing to.   Within this model there is both irony but also significant old and unhealthy power dynamics at play.    

We are seeing evidence in every corner of our world that the way we are operating is not working.    It is causing polarization, unrest and genuine injustice for the significant majority of the population.

Book Cover Top View Mockup by Anthony Boyd Graphics